About Me


Welcome to Divas World. I’m Disha, the founder and editor-in-chief of Divas World- a place to find beauty related stuff, product reviews, fashion trends, DIYs, fitnes fundas and skincare tips. Being a beauty, fashion & health blog, Divas World is created to inspire you to revamp your lifestyle with changing fashion trends and beauty tips along with getting fit and healthy for life. If you have a love for all of these, you’ll feel right at home here.


dishaAn optimist, food lover, fashion addict, passionate dancer and a beauty enthusiast would say all about me! I love sharing my thoughts and ideas with people and help others find encouragement through it. Originally, I belong to the IT sector but I’m quite fascinated by going through the blogs of people sharing experiences and ideas on a niche they love.

I’ve started writing a while ago and I’m loving it since day one. I hope you discover a lot of useful information here on my blog, so please enjoy your stay!

 Would love to hear from my readers! Say hello at dishasethi931@gmail.com  

Disha! <3